DIY Sony TV Repair T-Con Replacement vertical lines How to Replace Sony T-con board no picture Click Here to BUY TV PARTS: • ...
We had a 52" Sony Bravia that had ghost images. We read online about the tabs that are on the side and how to fix it, and guess what!? It did! Hopefully your...
How to do a software update on sony bravia TV. You may need to be up to date on the latest tv firmware/software version so that you can access the latest onl...
Set your TV in standy (use the green power butten on your remote), RED standby LED is ON on your TV. Now press these buttons in this order on your remote (po...
Les ense�are a como usar su control remoto de su tv en en la PS3.
En este video se demuestra como se repara la falla debido a la pantalla dañada de LCD. El problema que presenta es imagen obscura, como con estelas y color o...
Game: Bad Company Gamemode: ON Bitte vergleicht nicht die Bildqualität der Fernseher, bringt gar nix da ich von total unterschiedlichen Positionen filmte und...